Takahiro Maeda

I am a PhD student at Toyota Technological Institute (TTI), where I work on computer vision. My PhD advisor is Prof. Norimichi Ukita. I earned my M.Eng. in computer science at TTI in 2021 and B.Eng. in 2019 while working with Norimichi Ukita.

My research interests focus on computer vision, human dynamics, robotics, and reinforcement learning to build interactive, coorperative, and assistive agents. I got a Certified Care Worker (介護福祉士) national qualification license on April, 2022.

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Multimodal Active Measurement for Human Mesh Recovery in Close Proximity

Takahiro Maeda, Keisuke Takeshita, Norimichi Ukita, and Kazuhito Tanaka
Under-review, 2024
arxiv / video / code /

Work done during the internship at Frontier Research Center, Toyota Motor Corporation in 2023.

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Fast Inference and Update of Probabilistic Density Estimation on Trajectory Prediction

Takahiro Maeda and Norimichi Ukita
ICCV, 2023
arxiv / code /

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MotionAug: Augmentation with Physical Correction for Human Motion Prediction

Takahiro Maeda and Norimichi Ukita
CVPR, 2022
arxiv / video / code /

IEEE Nagoya Section Conference Presentation Award 2023

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Human Pose Annotation Using a Motion Capture System for Loose-Fitting Clothes

Takuya Matsumoto, Kodai Shimosato, Takahiro Maeda, Tatsuya Murakami, Koji Murakoso, Kazuhiko Mino, and Norimichi Ukita
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 103 (6), 1257-1264, 2020
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Automatic human pose annotation for loose-fitting clothes

Takuya Matsumoto, Kodai Shimosato, Takahiro Maeda, Tatsuya Murakami, Koji Murakoso, Kazuhiko Mino, and Norimichi Ukita
16th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA) Best Poster Award, 2019
paper /

Other Projects

These include coursework, side projects and unpublished research work.

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NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Burst Super-Resolution: Methods and Results

Takahiro Maeda and Kazutoshi Akita
paper / code /

The report of 2021 NTIRE Burst Super Resolusion challenge. We won 4th Place.

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Grasp and Motion Planning for Dexterous Manipulation for the Real Robot Challenge

Takuma Yoneda, Charles Schaff, Takahiro Maeda, and Matthew Walter
arxiv / paper / code /

I participated the 2020 Real Robot Challenge with people at TTI-Chicago. We won the first place.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website